Africa: Communique of the 1209th Meeting of the PSC Held On 18 April 2024, On Briefing On the Situation in Sudan

Adopted by the Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU) at its 1209th meeting, held on 18 April 2024, on Briefing on the Situation in Sudan. The Peace and Security Council, Recalling its previous decisions and pronouncements on the situation in Sudan, in particular, Communique [PSC/MIN/COMM.1185 (2023)]adopted at its meeting held at […]

Bombs, Bathos, and Beyond | The Nation

Thank you for reading The Nation! We hope you enjoyed the story you just read. It’s just one of many examples of incisive, deeply-reported journalism we publish—journalism that shifts the needle on important issues, uncovers malfeasance and corruption, and uplifts voices and perspectives that often go unheard in mainstream media. For nearly 160 years, The […]

Deputy Head of European Union (EU) Delegation emphasises EU commitment to Egyptian Technical and Vocational Education and Training at International Fair

For the third consecutive year, EU in Egypt and Team Europe are participating in @edutech.egy – the Third Edition of EduTech Expo – International Fair and Forum for Technical, Vocational Education, Training, and Career Pathways, attended by the Deputy Head of the EU Delegation in Egypt, Anne Schouw.  At the event, Ms. Schouw emphasised the EU’s […]