This Is How A Pen Changed The World

Look around you. Chances are, there’s a BiC Cristal ballpoint pen among your odds and ends. Since 1950, it has far outsold the Rubik’s Cube and even the iPhone, and yet, it’s one of the most unsung and overlooked pieces of technology ever invented. And weirdly, it hasn’t had the honor of trademark erosion like […]

The Bipartisan War on Pro-Palestinian Activism

Politics / April 29, 2024 A House bill asks the Treasury to revoke the nonprofit status of suspected “terrorist supporting organizations.” Advocates are already singling out Muslim and Palestinian groups. Ad Policy House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) and ranking member Richard Neal, (D-MA) in the Longworth House Office Building in Washington, […]

U.S. regulator says self-driving vehicles not ready for prime time as Tesla inks China deal

In China this weekend, Elon Musk snagged the biggest green light yet for Full Self-Driving mode, the advanced software that Tesla claims equips its EVs to drive themselves almost anywhere with minimal human intervention. Tesla’s market performance has been underwhelming lately, and news of a major deal to offer autonomous driving in Earth’s largest and […]