More Diversified Trade Can Make Middle East & Central Asia More Resilient — Global Issues

Opinion by Jihad Azour (washington dc) Friday, May 17, 2024 Inter Press Service WASHINGTON DC, May 17 (IPS) – Dislocations from the pandemic, geoeconomic fragmentation, and Russia’s war in Ukraine have shifted world trade dynamics. While this has created challenges, the redirection of trade has also generated new opportunities, particularly for the Caucasus and Central Asia. […]

Gary Lineker signs up to help launch scheme to boost Britain’s grassroots sports as he fears ‘clubs will fold’

GARY LINEKER and netball star Geva Mentor have helped launch a scheme to boost Britain’s grassroots sports. They attended a youth sports day at Connect Stars, a London-based community group who seek to tackle social exclusion among young people through the power of sport and physical activity. 4 Gary Lineker and netball star Geva Mentor […]