Taxation key in development of economy, says CITN | The Guardian Nigeria News

40 mins ago CHAIRMAN, Students Affairs and Tertiary Institution Relations Committee, Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria (CITN), Dr. Abiola Adimula, yesterday, emphasised the role of tax in the development of the country’s economy. Speaking during the catch-them-young tax quiz competition among secondary schools students in Edo State organised by CITN for public secondary schools […]

Saving Film History One Frame at a Time: A Preview of Restored & Rediscovered Series at the Jacob Burns Film Center | Festivals & Awards

“Bushman” was one revelation out of many. I felt excited over and over again as I found new gems to program for the Jacob Burns Film Center’s first festival celebrating film preservation and restoration, Restored & Rediscovered. Screening from May 13-23, the festival will highlight the important work of saving and restoring films so that […]

Africa: Academic Literacy Is More Than Language, It’s About Critical Thinking and Analysis – Universities Should Do More to Teach These Skills

Making the adjustment from school to university is no easy task. For instance, there’s a big difference between writing a high school essay and crafting an academic paper which meets university standards. In the decades since formal apartheid ended, South Africa’s universities have become increasingly accessible to students from different socioeconomic, schooling and linguistic backgrounds. […]