Everybody Wants Some!! Told Us Everything We Needed to Know About Glen Powell | Features

In that way, Powell’s Finn does resemble McConaughey’s Wooderson, an impossibly attractive young buck who seems to have all the answers to life’s mysteries—especially if you’re younger than him, impressionable and seeking guidance for navigating adulthood. But Finn is a more fully fleshed-out individual than Wooderson was, one of several characters in the ensemble that […]

Africa: No, International Criminal Court Hasn’t Issued Arrest Warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu – Judges Still to Decide

No, International Criminal Court hasn’t issued arrest warrant for Israeli prime minister Netanyahu – judges still to decide IN SHORT: A number of social media posts are claiming that the International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu. But while the court’s chief prosecutor has applied for warrants against five people in […]