USB And The Myth Of 500 Milliamps

If you’re designing a universal port, you will be expected to provide power. This was a lesson learned in the times of LPT and COM ports, where factory-made peripherals and DIY boards alike had to pull peculiar tricks to get a few milliamps, often tapping data lines. Do it wrong, and a port will burn […]

Laura Ellen Bacon’s Monumental Willow Works Ebb and Flow in Amorphous Masses — Colossal

 Art Design Nature #installation #Laura Ellen Bacon #sculpture #site-specific #weaving July 3, 2024 Jackie Andres “The Feeling Remains” (2022). Photo by Jean Michel Rousvoal. All images © Laura Ellen Bacon, shared with permission Laura Ellen Bacon transforms hundreds of pounds of willow branches into amorphous, oscillating forms. Ascending upward along the side of a […]

Crowned | The Nation

Thank you for reading The Nation We hope you enjoyed the story you just read, just one of the many incisive, deeply-reported articles we publish daily. Now more than ever, we need fearless journalism that shifts the needle on important issues, uncovers malfeasance and corruption, and uplifts voices and perspectives that often go unheard in […]