Operation Safe Haven Asst Commander Killed In Plateau  – TheNGblog

A senior immigration officer who served as Administration Officer of Sector 4 of Operation Safe Haven, located in Barikin Ladi Local Government Area of Plateau State has been killed in Fan community, Fan District area of the local government….CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>> Operation Safe Haven is a multisecurity taskforce comprising soldiers, immigration officers, police, […]

Refugees Welcome | The Nation

Thank you for reading The Nation We hope you enjoyed the story you just read, just one of the many incisive, deeply-reported articles we publish daily. Now more than ever, we need fearless journalism that shifts the needle on important issues, uncovers malfeasance and corruption, and uplifts voices and perspectives that often go unheard in […]

At Buddhist-Christian dialogue, finding solidarity amid shifting religious landscape

(RNS) — Recently, a group of more than 30 Buddhists and Christians gathered to form relationships and discuss ways to collaborate as part of the National Buddhist-Christian Dialogue. As one of the Christian participants, representing the American Baptist Churches USA, I participated in the dialogue against the backdrop of white Christian nationalism. Recently, Louisiana passed […]

‘Wild Eye Magazine’ Is the Spiritual Successor to ‘Outdoor Photographer’

When Outdoor Photographer shut down, it devastated landscape, nature, and wildlife photography enthusiasts. However, its spiritual successor, Wild Eye, has been unveiled and will publish its first issue in September. The first “virtual” issue of Wild Eye will be entirely free for anyone who signs up on the magazine’s freshly-updated website, setting the stage for […]