Sharing 3D Printing With Kids

If you have a hobby, it is natural to want to share it with kids. If you are interested in 3D printing, you may even have kids who want to try their hand at printing without prompting. There are a number of “kid printers” aimed specifically at that market. Are they worthwhile? How old is […]

A Guide to Types of Melons

When melons are at the height of their season in late summer, you can find them at local farm stands and markets in a delightful variety and abundance. Whether sliced for snacking, blended into a refreshing melon drink, added to salads, or even grilled, they’re versatile and full of flavor.  Having grown up on supermarket […]

Story Health, Guidehealth partner to develop cardiology program

Virtual specialty care company Story Health and Guidehealth, an AI-enabled value-based care provider for health systems, announced their partnership to develop a cardiology program for hospital systems and clinically integrated networks (CINs) based on a value-based care model. California-based Story Health offers telehealth, health coaches, AI, and connected devices to provide patients with continuous specialty […]