Prince’s Former Business Advisors Win Key Ruling in Ongoing Estate Lawsuit

Prince’s former business advisors L. Londell McMillan and Charles Spicer Jr. have won a key ruling in their ongoing estate lawsuit against several of the late artist’s heirs, reports Billboard. McMillan and Spicer are currently managers of Prince Legacy LLC, the estate management holding company they co-created with several of Prince’s legal heirs, but several […]

ECOWAS Tightens Grip On Mali With Diplomatic Withdrawals And Border Closures – TheNGblog

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has resolved to withdraw all its ambassadors from Mali and close land and air borders between member-countries and Mali….CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>> This resolution was conveyed in a communiqué issued after an Extraordinary Summit of the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government in Accra, […]

Mastodon Are Selling Custom Pickles

As one of the premier metal bands of the 21st century, it only makes sense that Mastodon are diving head first into … the pickle business. That’s right, the Atlanta foursome are selling pickles, with each band member getting his own flavor. Ahead of their co-headlining summer North American tour with Lamb of God (pick […]