Dusk for a Hitman movie review (2024)

Mostly taking place over the course of a year, “Dusk for a Hitman” begins in the Fall of 1979. Lavoie (Éric Bruneau), behind the wheel of his sleek caramel-colored Cadillac, is driving down a country road with a new, nervous partner. His young sidekick was assigned to Lavoie by their boss, Claude Dubois (Benoît Gouin), […]

Top 5 Leading Hospitals in Nigeria – TheNGblog

Nigeria’s growing population has led to a surge in demand for quality healthcare, resulting in the establishment of numerous hospitals striving for excellence. Here are the five leading hospitals in Nigeria: **1. Lagoon Hospitals** * Renowned for state-of-the-art facilities and skilled medical professionals.* Offers a comprehensive range of services, including emergency care, surgical procedures, radiology, […]

Blur’s Coachella Set “Is Probably Our Last Gig”

Onstage at Coachella during their weekend two set, Blur’s Damon Albarn revealed that the performance was “probably” the band’s “last gig.” Continuing, Albarn alluded to the tension the band seemingly had with the crowd during their weekend two performance, assuring that their decision to call it quits was “no reflection of Coachella,” which he believes […]

Walk the Wall | The Nation

Thank you for reading The Nation! We hope you enjoyed the story you just read. It’s just one of many examples of incisive, deeply-reported journalism we publish—journalism that shifts the needle on important issues, uncovers malfeasance and corruption, and uplifts voices and perspectives that often go unheard in mainstream media. For nearly 160 years, The […]