[Alex R2AUK] has been busy creating version two of a homebrew all-band ham radio transceiver. The unit has a number of features you don’t always see in homebrew radios. It covers the 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, and 10 meter bands. The receiver is a single-IF design with AGC. The transmitter provides up to 10W for CW and 5W for single sideband operations. There’s a built-in keyer, too. A lot of the documentation is in Russian (including the video below, which is part of a playlist). But translation tools are everywhere, so if you don’t speak Russian, you can still probably figure it out.

The VFO for both transmit and receive is an Si5351. The transmit chain is straightforward. The receiver reuses many of the same filters.

Like many projects these days, an attractive 3D-printed case gives the radio a polished look. If you prefer using a straight key to a keyer, the transmitter will use either. The microphone amplifier has built-in compression for good audio levels.

If you don’t want to roll your own, you can get similar ham gear that is ready-built. If you want to go minimal. we’ve seen a less-capable transceiver built with only seven transistors.


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