Curzon Films has released the trailer for the upcoming Korean horror thriller Sleep. The story centers on a pregnant wife who is worried about her husband’s sleeping habits which escalates into some intensely unsettling behaviour.

The film’s tagline reads, “When he sleeps, someone awakes…” In the film, “Hyeon-soo and Soo-jin (Lee Sun-kyun and Jung Yu-mi) are newlyweds. One night, she discovers Hyeon-soo sleepwalking, with a strange behavior that is not like him. Every time night falls, she becomes restless, for fear that her husband will harm their newborn baby.”

Sleep was written and directed by the up-and-coming Korean filmmaker Jason Yu and it looks like it will deliver a scary and unsettling experience. It seems like the kind of horror film that will mess with your mind and get under your skin.

The film opened in Korean cinemas first last September. It will be released in UK and US theaters starting July 12th, 2024.

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