Rating: 4 out of 5.

No job is easy. Whatever you do, it requires your full, undivided attention. But what if something bad happens due to lack of time, a busy schedule, and the inability to think straight under high demand and pressure at work? Who will be responsible for the consequences of the actions taken by someone who was not in the right state of mind to make the correct decisions?

“Alarms” reveals a profound fear for any individual, especially towards the end, when you realize where the story leads the audience. It follows a hardworking supervisor at a construction site named Pierre, who is diligently overseeing the completion of the project. The risks are high. He cannot hire a new employee due to a lack of time for training, and those who are experienced do not have the energy to carry out their responsibilities to the fullest. It’s loud as well, causing disruption to those around. What can one do to please everyone, ensure the safety of employees, and keep the project on track?

Written and directed by Nicolas Panay, “Alarms” is an excellent short film that showcases the importance of not losing sight of critical aspects. We see Pierre constantly stressed, consumed by work. Even when he goes home, he cannot focus on his infant child. Work dominates his mind. But something drastic must happen for Pierre to receive a wake-up call. One incident occurs at work when an employee suffers a medical emergency. However, the most significant alarm is yet to come, and it is alarming enough to hope that Pierre will learn from it in a positive way.

“Alarms” serves as a compelling reminder of the high stakes and pressures many face in their professional lives. Nicolas Panay skillfully directs this short film, highlighting the dire consequences of neglecting essential responsibilities due to overwhelming stress. Through Pierre’s journey, we see the critical need for balance and the human cost of constant vigilance. This film is not just a narrative but a poignant lesson on the importance of prioritizing well-being amidst professional demands.

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