The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) has warned electricity distribution companies (DisCos) against defaulting on the July 31 deadline for pre-paid meter upgrade….CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>

The commission disclosed this in a statement during the second Nigerian Electricity Supply Industry (NESI) stakeholders meeting for 2024.

A previous order by NERCE mandated DisCos to upgrade existing meters to a new specification so that they could continue to accept tokens.

The electricity industry regulator said it would sanction DisCos that fail to complete the migration of their customers’ token identifiers of standard transfer specifications (STS) meters from key revision 1 to key revision 2 before July 31.

According to reports, the identifier is a hidden code in every energy token customers use on prepaid electricity meters. STS is the global standard for electricity transfer and other utility prepayment tokens.

NERC said vital issues discussed at the meeting include DisCos’ STS-2 migration, an update on establishing the Independent Operator (ISO) in the NESI, MAP Meter Refunds, and metering problems.

NERC disclosed that the recent signing of the Electricity Act 2023 has opened more opportunities for the private sector and state governments to participate actively in the NESI.

NERC gave electricity consumers in Nigeria until November last year to upgrade and link their National Identity Numbers (NINs) to their meters, allowing them to access energy tokens.

The development follows an order by NERC to electricity generating firms to cap electricity export to 6 six percent of local consumption.

The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) is set to enhance power supply to domestic consumers following its orders directing the System Operator (SO) to cap supplies to international customers at 6 percent of domestic supplies.

Nigeria sells electricity to neighbouring countries such as Benin Republic, Togo, and Benin under the international treaty.


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