A UK-based lady drove her car to work, but she left it there at the close of work….CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>

Instead of driving home, the lady trekked as usual, noting that she just bought the car and was not yet used to it.

In a video posted by @that_theatre_nurse_, she said she was going back to work to pick up the car.

According to the nurse, she was used to trekking to work and returning through a shortcut.

She explained in her TikTok video that after buying a car, she drove it to work and left it there. She trekked home via her usual route, forgetting she drove a car to work.

She noted that she only remembered when she got home and had to go back for the car.

Many of her followers shared similar experiences of forgetting new things they bought because of being used to their old lives.

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