Cats, to those of us who appreciate their company, are fascinating creatures, with their infinite curiosity and playfulness. [Makers Muse] has a pair of half-grown-up kittens, and set out to provide them with a plaything far better than those the market could offer. The result is the Snak Attak, a gravity puzzle maze that delivers kibble for the cat prepared to puzzle it out.

The point of this exercise isn’t to give kibble but to provide the optimum play experience for a pair of younger cats. The premise is that kibble is held back by a set of wooden pegs each with a temptingly dangly string, and they should after some investigation be able to pull the pegs out and release it. What’s interesting is how the two different cats approach the problem, while one pulls the out as expected, the other pushes them from the back of the device.

The conclusion is that the two cats can indeed solve puzzles, and gain hours of play from the device. An updated version was produced with a few more challenges, and as you can see in the video below the break, it’s captivated their attention. It’s not the first cat toy we’ve brought you by any means, this robotic mouse springs to mind, but it’s certainly upped the ante on feline entertainment.

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