Still from Without Blood

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

No matter what anyone says about revenge, the person who seeks it will remain unmoved. The one determined to avenge something or someone will go forward with their plan, no matter the obstacles. No words or actions can change the mind of someone whose decision is already made. The real question is: once the mission is accomplished, was it truly worth it?

Film festivals exist not just to entertain but to showcase films that challenge us, present difficult themes, and offer thought-provoking concepts. They often present slow-paced stories that invite the audience to engage on an intellectual level. Angelina Jolie’s latest film is destined to be seen as academic, educational, and highly persuasive. Despite its slow start, the film steadily gains momentum, developing to the point where you ask yourself: will blood be shed to avenge the death of a loved one, or will this be a revenge without blood?

Jolie, as a director, has crafted a distinct style that reflects both her perspective as an actor and a director. Where other films might spend three minutes establishing their premise, Jolie takes about twenty-eight minutes to do so. And that’s a compliment. We need this time to understand the situation fully, so we can form our own judgments as the story slowly unfolds.

Much of the film’s drama unfolds around a dining table in a restaurant, where Nina (Salma Hayek) and Tito (Demian Bichir) discuss what the war has done to them. They talk about the pain of revenge, comparing it to a drug addiction, and ponder whether a person who kills in the name of good is any less guilty than the perpetrator who killed many innocents. Is what seems bad truly bad, or can it somehow be justified? Can we look beyond our own pain?

In “Without Blood,” Angelina Jolie masterfully explores the intricate themes of revenge and its moral ambiguities. With her distinct directorial style, she draws us into a powerful, thought-provoking narrative that unfolds with depth and patience. Her ability to blend emotional complexity with a reflective pace makes “Without Blood” a compelling and intellectually engaging film that resonates long after the credits roll. Jolie’s direction is nothing short of remarkable, elevating the story into a profound cinematic experience.

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