Accra — new World Bank report released today, calls for urgent action to strengthen the resilience of Ghana’s health system against the adverse effects of climate change. The report, titled Climate and Health Vulnerability Assessment (CHVA) for Ghana, identifies gaps and risks to the country’s health sector, while recommending policy actions and providing valuable insights into capacity to adapt to climate related shocks.

According to the report, climate change in Ghana is causing extreme weather events like floods and droughts, leading to food insecurity, injuries, and the risk of death for 2 million people. The report notes that Ghana is highly vulnerable, especially to illness like malaria and diarrhea disease. It also points out that health issues related to heat, air pollution, and infectious diseases are on the rise with the elderly, youth, and children being particularly vulnerable.

“The World Bank has changed its mission to Ending extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity on a livable planet. A healthy population is the cornerstone of prosperity. Therefore, implementing adaptation and mitigation measures is crucial not only to address current challenges but also to prevent further adversities,” said Robert Taliercio World Bank Country Director for Ghana, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. “The Government of Ghana is ahead of the curve in thinking about the potential impacts of climate change on health and we encourage further work across sectors on this important challenge.”

The CHVA for Ghana underscores that Ghana’s climate varies in temperature and rainfall, with projections showing decreased rainfall and higher temperatures. Over the past 50 years, the country has experienced 22 major climate events, affecting millions with droughts, floods, wildfires, and storms. The CHVA examines the potential impact on health of increased heat, as well as expanded infectious diseases.