No evidence to support claim that mixture of avocado seed and rubbing alcohol can cure joint pain
IN SHORT: Joint pain can make it difficult to do even the simplest tasks. But there is no evidence for viral claims that a combination of avocado seeds and rubbing alcohol can cure joint pain.
Several posts on Facebook claim that a mixture of avocado pit and alcohol can cure joint pain.
One post reads: “Take avocado rather it’s ripe or green, cut it in half and take the pit out cut the pit in small pieces put it in the jar you 70% of alcohol covering the pit of the avocado take a cotton ball or whatever rub it on your knees your back wherever you feel joint pain.”
The post claims that the mixture must be applied on the affected area for two weeks and “you will feel the difference”.
Similar posts can be found here, here and here. Most of them feature a video of an avocado pit being chopped up, put in a jar and mixed with what appears to be rubbing alcohol. The video was also sent to us by subscribers on our What’s Crap on WhatsApp? line.
But can a mixture of avocado pit and alcohol cure joint pain? We checked.
Benefits of avo seed and rubbing alcohol
Avocado is a green fruit with a brown pit, also known as the seed, in the centre.
The seed contains “a good range of fatty acids, dietary fibre, carbs and a small amount of protein”, according to medical news site Healthline.
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Several test-tube and animal studies have demonstrated the seed’s potential to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and to act as an antibacterial and antioxidant.
But more research is needed on the benefits of the seeds for humans. There is also little or no research on the benefits of the topical application of avocado seeds, such as described in the claims on social media.
Rubbing alcohol, or isopropyl alcohol, at a concentration of 70% is often used as a disinfectant.
When mixed with water, it can also be used as an ice pack to soothe muscle aches and minor injuries.
Not enough evidence to support the claim
Joint pain is characterised by discomfort in parts of the body where bones meet, such as the knees, elbows and back.
“Arthritis is the most common cause of joint pain,” says the Cleveland Clinic, a non-profit academic medical centre in the US. Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints.
Joint pain can also be caused by gout, tendinitis, some viral infections and injuries.
According to Healthline, “there’s no treatment currently available that will completely eliminate the joint pain associated with arthritis”. But the pain can be managed with topical pain relievers, moderate exercise and anti-inflammatory drugs.
There is not enough research on the topical use of avocado seed and rubbing alcohol on humans. Rather seek medical attention if the affected area is swollen and feels hot, if the pain worsens or if you develop a fever.