10 Great TV Shows Made by Movie Directors

Movies and television, despite the fact that both are mediums where actors reenacting usually fictional scenarios are recorded on cameras and screened for rapt audiences, are not the same. They’re completely different mechanisms for storytelling — one is obviously longer than the other, with more of an emphasis on character and story evolution, while the […]

Aisha movie review & film summary (2024)

Nevertheless, Aisha perseveres. Wright, so funny and fierce in the “Black Panther” movies, harnesses that same fire here, indicating her character’s loneliness and anguish through her restrained body language and measured speech. We learn a little about the ordeal that drove her from her homeland through meetings with the immigration lawyer assigned to her case […]

Roger Corman, King of Cult Movies, Dies at 98

Hollywood is mourning the loss of one of the giants of American independent and cult cinema. Roger Corman reigned as the biggest name in little movies for much of the second half of the twentieth century. Through his various production companies, he directed and produced some of the most popular and influential cult, genre, and exploitation […]

Gasoline Rainbow movie review (2024)

“Gasoline Rainbow” is a road film in its truest form. The best understanding we get of “home” are glimpses of high school IDs and peeks into childhood bedrooms as the teens prepare to leave them behind. Everything else is the open road. From abandoned towns to turbine fields and quick familial drop-ins amidst train hopping, […]


The Old Woman lives in a deep Estonian forest, alone and isolated. Her parents came here to settle to raise and educate their children in the right way. They all died long ago. The Old Woman leads her farm, until one day her world almost collapses due to the intrusion of a lost stranger. Credits: […]