The Best Stunts in Movie History

Stunts have been an integral part of filmmaking since the very beginning, providing the type of blood-pumping adrenaline rush that comes with seeing something unbelievable pulled off to perfection. There’s nothing we love more than staring openmouthed at a particularly incredible stunt, wondering how in the world they possibly did that without anyone getting seriously […]

A Live-Action ‘Scooby-Doo’ Show Is Coming to Netflix

Scooby-Doo may be returning to live-action — this time as a streaming television series. Although there were several live-action Scooby-Doo films made in the past — including two theatrical films that were written by a pre-Guardians of the Galaxy James Gunn — Scooby-Doo has traditionally been an animated property on television. According to Variety, while the show is being produced by Warner […]