essential oil for insect bites

I can just feel summer coming! I love that the days stay lighter for longer and all the fun activities my kids can get into outside. But with warmer temps come…yep, the bugs! I don’t mind lots of the bugs that come out but the ones that bite, those little suckers aren’t loved by us (or anyone for that matter). Last summer I started making a Young Living Bug Bite Spray for our insect bites and it worked like magic. I tried out different concoctions with essential oils for mosquito bites and I have landed on a spray recipe that I really like. It not only takes the sting out of the skin, but also heals and soothes the skin as well. This essential oils home remedy for insect bites is all natural and has only 4 ingredients so it is easy to make.

Young Living Bug Bite Relief Spray

Young Living Bug Bite Relief Spray Tutorial

Are pesky insect bites ruining your outdoor adventures? Look no further than the healing powers of essential oils. In this article, we delve into the unexpected ways essential oils can provide natural relief from pain caused by insect bites. From soothing lavender oil to the anti-inflammatory properties of Patchouli oil, we will explore how these oils can be your go-to remedy. Say goodbye to discomfort and hello to fast healing!

Essential Oil For Bug Bites Supplies & Ingredients Needed:

  • 1 oz spray bottle
  • 1/2 oz. Pure Aloe Vera Gel
  • 4 drops of Vitamin E oil
  • 4 drops of Young Living Lavender Essential Oil
  • 4 drops of Young Living Patchouli Essential Oil

If you need essential oils, I am a Young Living distributor and you can order them through my link here.

essential oil for insect bitesessential oil for insect bites

Aloe vera can be soothing for itchy skin, especially for mild irritations like sunburns, insect bites, or dry skin. The gel from aloe vera leaves has anti-inflammatory properties that can help calm itchiness and reduce redness. Applying aloe vera gel directly to the itchy area and letting it dry can provide relief.

Vitamin E is often used to help relieve itchiness and improve the overall health of the skin. It’s known for its moisturizing properties and ability to support skin repair and regeneration.

When you are wondering what Young Living oil for insect bites to use, I suggest combining Lavender essential oil and Patchouli essential oil. I think they are the best essential oils for this purpose. As Heathline points out, “Several studies have demonstrated that patchouli oil has an anti-inflammatory effect” which is useful to help reduce swelling. It is also useful for its antibacterial activity. According to Medical News Today, “Lavender may also improve the pain from bites and stings from insects, such as fire ants and bees.”

If you don’t have these particular essential oils for bug bites, two good substitutions would be peppermint oil (think cooling sensation) and tea tree oil (valued antimicrobial properties) as they are also very soothing for insect bite skin irritation. The addition of the vitamin E and aloe vera gel will further help to soothe itchy skin. It takes no time at all to whip up!

How To Make Young Living Oil For Insect Bites:

This is the most simple recipe but oh so effective in taking out the itch from your bug bite and healing the skin! Grab your spray bottle and take the top off. Fill your bottle halfway up with your Aloe Vera Gel. Grab your essential oils for bug bites and add 4 drops of Lavender essential oil and 4 drops of Patchouli essential oil. After you have added your Young Living essential oils, add 4 drops of Vitamin E oil and fill the rest of the bottle up with more Aloe Vera Gel. Give it a good shake and your natural bug bit relief is ready!

home remedies for insect biteshome remedies for insect bites

How to use Essential Oil for Mosquito Bites And Ant Bites:

Shake before each use. Spray directly on bug bite affected area and gently rub in. Can be sprayed on as often as needed for quick relief.

If you experience persistent or severe discomfort, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the cause and appropriate treatment.

Using Essential Oils For Bug Bites Safety Precautions and Tips:

When using essential oils for insect bites, it’s essential to prioritize safety and follow some simple guidelines. Firstly, always dilute essential oils with a carrier oil before applying them to your skin to prevent irritation or adverse reactions. A general rule of thumb is to use a 2-3% dilution, which equates to about 6-9 drops of essential oil per one ounce of carrier oil. Additionally, perform a patch test on a small area of skin before widespread use to ensure you don’t have any sensitivities.

When treating insect bites with essential oils, it’s important to remember that some oils can cause photosensitivity, making your skin more prone to sunburn. Citrus oils like lemon, lime, and bergamot are known for this effect, so be cautious when using them on exposed skin. Furthermore, always store essential oils in a cool, dark place to maintain their efficacy and prevent them from degrading over time.

By following these safety precautions and tips for using essential oils on insect bites, you can harness their natural healing properties effectively and enjoy relief from irritation and discomfort. Also, please be aware that allergic reactions to insect stings require immediate medical attention. Please see a doctor and seek medical advice if you have any questions or health concerns.


Incorporating these great essential oils into your insect bite treatment and first aid kit can offer natural relief from pain, and swelling of ant bites and mosquito bites. If you are looking for effective natural remedies for bug bites, I am sure you will enjoy these essential oils for bug bites so you can get back to your summer fun. Give the bug bite relief spray a try and let us know how you like this blend of Young Living oil for insect bites on social media @familyfocusblog.

You may also be interested in this recipe to make natural insect repellent that works.

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25 Essential Oil Recipes That Will Rock Your World

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