Amenyo, a middle-aged man, is accused of murdering his stepdaughter, Dorcas Dzivor, a JHS two student, in Nsuobiri, Ga South Municipality.

According to Martin McCarthy, the Assemblyman for Nsuobri Electoral Area, the incident occurred on Monday morning. Dorcas was fetching water with friends when Amenyo approached her. He allegedly asked her to accompany him to an unknown location, sending the others on an errand.

When the friends returned, neither Dorcas nor Amenyo could be found. A search party was launched, and after hours, Dorcas’ lifeless body was discovered in a cassava farm.

McCarthy described Dorcas’ body as lying in a supine position with her hands and legs tied up. Socks were stuffed in her mouth.

Amenyo was arrested and is currently in custody at the Kwaku Pamfo Police station. The deceased’s body has been taken to the Police Hospital for an autopsy. CONTINUE READING

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