What did Hackaday Editors Elliot Williams and Al Williams find interesting on Hackaday this week? Well, honestly, all the posts, but they had to pick some to share with you in the podcast below. There’s news about SuperCon 2024, and failing insulin pumps. After a mystery sound, the guys jump into reverbing garden hoses, Z80s, and even ribbon cable repair.

Adaptive tech was big this week, with a braille reader for smartphones and an assistive knife handle. The quick hacks ranged from a typewriter that writes on toast to a professional-looking but homemade ham radio transceiver.

Check out the links below if you want to follow along, and as always, tell us what you think about this episode in the comments!

Download a file chock full of podcast here.

Episode 271 Show Notes:


What’s that Sound?

  • Do you know what this week’s sound is? Fill out this form with your best guess, and you might win!

Interesting Hacks of the Week:

Quick Hacks:

  • Elliot’s Picks:
  • Al’s Picks:

Can’t-Miss Articles:

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