What do capstans, direct conversion receivers, and fracking have in common? They were all topics Hackaday editors Elliot Williams and Al Williams found fascinating this week. If you wonder what makes an electrical ground a ground, or what a theodolite is, you should check it out.

This week, the hacks came fast and furious. Capstans, instead of gears, work well for 3D-printed mechanisms, a PI Pico can directly receive radio signals, and the guys saw a number of teardowns and reverse engineering triumphs. You’ll also find solid-state heat pumps, flying wings, spectroscopy, and more.

The can’t miss articles this week? Learn about theodolites, a surveying feat from ancient Greece, and how fracking works.

Check out the links below if you want to follow along, and as always, tell us what we’ve mispronounced — or any other thoughts on the episode — in the comments!

Download an archival copy for your personal collection.

Episode 274 Show Notes:


What’s that Sound?

  • Congrats to [Ferric Bueler] for identifying last week’s sound, which was the XDR cassette code. The rest of you, come back next week for your chance to win.

Interesting Hacks of the Week:

Quick Hacks:

  • Elliot’s Picks:
  • Al’s Picks:

Can’t-Miss Articles:

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