Jeff Goldblum, who made his big MCU debut as The Grandmaster in Thor: Ragnarok, was recently asked about Robert Downey Jr. returning to the MCU as Doctor Victor Von Doom and his response is as Jeff Goldblum as Jeff Goldblum can get.
Before you read the following, make sure you turn Jeff Golblum’s voice on in your head. Here’s his response during an inteeview with the Happy Sad Confused podcast:
“Excellent news. I think I vaguely heard the…yes, yes, I’d heard whispers on my peripheral. Yes, channels.
“Victor Von Doom, I like that name. If my name had been Victor Von Doom, I’d be a long further along than I am now.
“That’s a great name. Or Von to anything. Or Van. Von Goldblum!”
Goldblum was then asked about his own future in the MCU, and he responded, “If there is, it’s in your cards…in the future cards, in your crystal ball, Horowitz.”
I have no idea if we’ll ever see The Grandmaster show up again, but he is such an interesting an entertaining character. It seems like a Marvel character who is bound to pop up at some point again! We’ll just have to wait and see.
You can now watch Goldblum talk about Victor Von Doom below.