Rank: Asabilly
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  • 505
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  • Asabilly posted an update

    4 months ago

    Be creative. Get inspired. Think outside the box. –Unknown

  • Asabilly posted an update

    4 months ago

    All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become. –Buddh

  • Asabilly posted an update

    4 months ago

    People say that life is the thing, but I prefer reading. –Logan Pearsall Smith

  • Asabilly posted an update

    4 months ago

    Social media notifications are good. Payment notifications are great. –Boss Babe

  • Asabilly posted an update

    4 months ago

    We are going to do some great things. Don’t know what they are yet, but watch out. –Unknown

  • Asabilly posted an update

    4 months ago

    I can already say with 100% confidence this weekend will not be long enough, but I will get through. –Unknown

  • Asabilly posted an update

    4 months ago

    Live in the moment. –Unknown

  • Asabilly posted an update

    4 months ago

    Everywhere is within walking distance if you have the time. –Stephen Wright

  • Asabilly posted an update

    4 months ago

    I ask myself every day, If not now, then when? And I get after it. –Jazmine K.

  • Asabilly posted an update

    4 months ago

    The timing is now. –Unknown

  • Asabilly posted an update

    4 months ago

    The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. –Nelson Mandela

  • Asabilly posted an update

    4 months ago

    Just because you’re different doesn’t mean you don’t belong. –Unknown

  • Asabilly posted an update

    4 months ago

    Don’t look back. You’re not going that way. –Unknown

  • Asabilly posted an update

    4 months ago

    Whatever obstacle you may be facing, it’s not permanent. –Unknown

  • Asabilly posted an update

    4 months ago

    So plant your own gardens and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers. –Jorge Luis Borges

  • Asabilly posted an update

    4 months ago

    The mountains are calling and I must go. –John Muir

  • Asabilly posted an update

    4 months ago

    Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience. –Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • Asabilly posted an update

    4 months ago

    Colors are the smiles of nature. –Unknown

  • Asabilly posted an update

    4 months ago

    There is nothing impossible to they who will try. –Alexander the Great

  • Asabilly posted an update

    4 months ago

    Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. –Helen Keller