Archbishop John Alagbala Osa-Oni, head of Vineyard Christian Church Inc., emphasized the immutability of God. He declared that God is the “unchangeable changer” who transforms circumstances without undergoing any change himself.

During the closing ceremony of the church’s “Destiny Programme With 2024,” themed “God Does Not Change,” Archbishop Osa-Oni urged believers to trust in God for any desired life change. He stressed that God is the architect of our lives and that no human can create change without divine intervention.

Citing scripture, he warned against negative self-talk and encouraged a positive mindset. “Your change begins from you,” he said. “You can’t change until you change your mindset.”

He called for a close relationship with God and a shift in perspective. He emphasized that God can alter circumstances based on our dispositions and perceptions. “Until you change your perspective, no change will occur,” he said.

Addressing the current state of Nigeria, Archbishop Osa-Oni stated, “We are not suffering in Nigeria, we are only suffering from our perspective and words of our mouth.” He emphasized the power of our words and perceptions in shaping our experiences.

He concluded by encouraging believers to never give up, to determine their destiny, and to believe in their own potential for change. “There is ground to be accessed and territories to be conquered,” he said. “Until you make a decision to believe in yourself, you cannot experience changes.” CONTINUE READING

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