Mental health and masculinity at the movies

A Sporting Chance: Mental health and masculinity at the movies About Little White Lies Little White Lies was established in 2005 as a bi-monthly print magazine committed to championing great movies and the talented people who make them. Combining cutting-edge design, illustration and journalism, we’ve been described as being “at the vanguard of the independent […]

Bruno Fernandes hints at ‘thinking about’ quitting Man Utd with club prepared for fire-sale and ‘only three stars safe’

MANCHESTER UNITED captain Bruno Fernandes has hinted at thinking about quitting the club. The midfielder has spent more than four years at Old Trafford after arriving in January 2024. 1 Bruno Fernandes said he will consider his future after the Euros He became a key player instantly and was appointed captain by Erik ten Hag […]

U.S. Plan to Protect Oceans Has a Problem, Some Say: Too Much Fishing

New details of the Biden administration’s signature conservation effort, made public this month amid a burst of other environmental announcements, have alarmed some scientists who study marine protected areas because the plan would count certain commercial fishing zones as conserved. The decision could have ripple effects around the world as nations work toward fulfilling a […]

More than 16,000 hear the gospel at Christian event in Mexico as border crisis continutes

Atlanta pastor Michael Youssef travels from U.S., joins Mexican churches to bring message of hope ATLANTA–  Atlanta pastor and international evangelist Michael Youssef traveled to Veracruz, Mexico this weekend, bringing a message of hope and encouragement to record crowds. Drawing 16,480 people, the Come & See Veracruz Weekend Celebration was the largest Christian event in […]